May 22, 2024
Two years ago I overheard a conversation at a local farmers' market about Clam Gardens.
Being a nosy podcast host, I eavesdropped, eventually inserted myself, and got some contact information.
Today I caught up with Ala̱g̱a̱mił Nicole Norris, of Halalt First Nation on what's now known as Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Nicole is a Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, Intergovernmental Communicator, Cultural Support Worker; knowledge holder, and language preserver for the Hul’qumi’num.
She's also incredibly fun to talk to and not afraid to get deep and trippy from the beginning, as you will soon hear.
I had several shifts in understanding during our interview, especially around how we as humans relate to the other species around us, as well as how we relate to our ancestors and our descendants.
Let's jump in.
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