Oct 1, 2022
Welcome back to the Ten Thousand Heroes Show. I’m Ankur Shah Delight and this is a podcast about purpose. My purpose, your purpose, our guests’ purpose. We’re all somewhere along the journey of purpose. Some of us are farther along in terms of knowing our purpose or living it. Some of us are more aware of it than others. But purpose, I contend, is fundamentally unescapable.
What I’d like to do through these interviews is demystify purpose, make it more accessible. So there’s less of a burden a heaviness about living up to our potential. And more of a playfulness.
My guest today is Edie Pjipers. I met Edie 9 years ago in my mom’s backyard. I was organizing a cob building workshop and Edie signed up at last minute, and flew all the way across the country from New York. I had no idea that first day what an incredibly joyful soul Edie was, or what an amazing artist. But it didn’t take long for me to figure it out. And it won’t take long for you either, I’m guessing.
Let’s jump in.
Show Links:
Voicemail: https://www.speakpipe.com/10khshow
Email: info@10kh.show
Twitter: @10khshow
Guest References:
Edie’s websites :
Edie’s Youtube Channel
Edie’s email: